1Note: This page will update with Minting Address during the drop! Register today for reminders, news and notifications!​​​​​​​
24 Hour Mint Begins Saturday, January 29, at 20:00 (8PM) UTC
​​​​​​​Baby Alien Club
The Chocolate Wars #1
​​​​​​​It's a time ​​​​​​​of great peril for the Choclateway Galaxy! Civil war has broken out between two factions of Baby Aliens! Emperor Necro intends to mine the entire galaxy of chocolate, no matter the cost or the consequences! Lord Hosk, leader of the rebellion, has discovered life on some of the planets! Life that he and his rebellion have sworn to protect! Out numbered and out gunned, Lord Hosk has sent a lone hero to find and recruit the Lost Tribe of Supers to their cause!
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Written by Joe Z - Art by Mozart Eros - Color by Diego Diaz
Ultra Rare 1E Cover by the King of Pinup Art . . . Keith Garvey!
​​​​​​​Wen? ​​​​​​​Starts Saturday, Jan 29, 2022
at 20:00 UTC (8PM UTC)
Click Here to convert to your timezone​​​​​​​.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Register Today for Exclusives and
Never Miss a Drop!​​​​​​​
24 Hour Minting Period! Only what's minted will ever exist!
​​​​​​​Five (5) Collectible Covers - 25% signed!
"Blind Box" Format - Mint any rarity during this drop!
Exclusive Airdropped Cover for every 25 you mint!
Affordable Price . . .
1Just 12₳ Each!
Policy ID: 19830ca654a584b1bf1ed1c023fe3a5f1d19dfdd407d51f5766ceba3
Policy ID: 19830ca654a584b1bf1ed1c023fe3a5f1d19dfdd407d51f5766ceba3
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I participate in this drop?
A: Purchase Cardano (ADA) from an exchange (Coinbase​​​​​​​ (US) / Binance (Intl) recommended)
B: Transfer your Cardano (ADA) from your exchange to a Cardano wallet (Nami​​​​​​​ recommended)
C: Register for our Drops​​​​​​​ to receive reminders, news and exclusive offers for registered members only!
D: Return to this page on January 29 at 8PM UTC to get the official minting address then send the correct amount
of ADA to our Minting Contract from your Cardano wallet.
E: Wait a few minutes for your NFTs to arrive in your wallet.
Warning: Do not send ADA directly from an exchange because they are unable to receive NFTs.
Q: How can I know about future Token Comics drops?
A: Register for our Drops, join our Discord and follow us on Twitter​​​​​​​.
From time to time we will offer exclusives to our Discord community and via email to our Registered Members!
Q: I'm interested in collabing with Token Comics. What should I do?
A: Please click the "Collab Inquiry" tab in our header and complete our inquiry form. We'll contact you in a few days to discuss your ideas!
A: Go to and paste your wallet address, then click on the image of your comic. You'll then see the cover image, followed by the flip-comic, followed by a PDF of the comic, followed by attributes and info. Click on the square above the flip comic to see it full screen. On the bottom left corner you'll find a magnifying glass to make the pages even bigger!
Q: What if I send the wrong amount of ADA?
A: We will process refunds starting 48 hours after the drop. Please allow 7 to 14 days to receive your refund.
Q: How can I read my comic?
Receive this Exclusive,
Airdropped Cover Variant
for Every 25 NFTs you Mint!
Whatever is minted during this issue's 24 hour minting period is all that will ever exist!
An exclusive "#1i" incentive variant will be airdropped for every 25 CNFTs you mint! The only way to get one is to mint a minimum of 25 NFTs . . . or to buy one on the secondary market!
This Amazing Incentive Cover features:
â—‰ Exclusive Purple Background!
â—‰ Emperor Necro, Lord Hosk and Rena Kai all on the same cover!
â—‰ TWO Gold Signatures! One from writer Joe Z and one from
Rena Kai cover artist, Keith Garvey! ​​​​​​​
Keep in mind: The price is ony 12 ADA each and you'll receive any combination of 15 cover rarities when you mint! You are GUARANTEED to receive this amazing incentive cover, AIRDROPPED into your wallet within 48 hours of minting, for every 25 NFTs you mint!