Token ComicsTM ... Comic Books on the Cardano Blockchain!
With Token ComicsTM you'll be able to Buy, Sell, Read and CollectTM digital comics just like you can physical comic books!
Written by Joe Z. Performed by Michael McKyes
Click to play the Token Comics Theme Song!
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Every NFT created in this collection will be unique and minted to order with random, algorithmically assigned attributes, including weapons, costume colors, backgrounds, heads, logos, accessories and more! Over 100,000,000 unique combinations are possible, from which only 10,000 NFTs will be minted! These digital art NFTs represent the first appearance of BLOODFIRE on the Cardano blockchain, and are destined to become instant collectibles, allowing you to flex that you helped usher in ... the "digital age" of comics on Cardano!
Coming Soon ... November, 2021!
Token Comics' BLOODFIRE Launch Edition NFTs
​​​​​​​BLOODFIRE made national headlines in 1993, due to his controversial and timely origin. Now, this historically significant superhero is about to make history again, as the first superhero to have a full comic book published on the Cardano blockchain! It all begins with these special Launch Edition NFTs that will help us migrate our smart contract from TRON to Cardano! ​​​​​​​
Unique price: TBA ₳
Only 10,000 BLOODFIRE Launch Edition NFTs will be minted, with 34 reserved for community and contest giveaways.
Meet the Creator of Token Comics ... Joe Z!
Joseph A Zyskowski (a.k.a. "Joe Z") was born in September, 1966. He learned how to read with superhero comics, and declared in the 2nd grade, "One day you'll see my name in comic books!" In 1993, Joe Z pursued that childhood dream, launching Lightning ComicsTM with his brother, Steve, but after six fun filled years, Lightning ceased it's publishing activities.
In 2020, government mandated lockdowns, in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, forced comic book retailers to close their stores for months ... and many couldn't survive. Companies that distributed comic books to retailers weren't paid by many comic shops and distributors, in turn, couldn't pay the publishers! This domino effect continued with some publishers being unable to pay printers, printers being being unable to pay suppliers or go to press (due to lockdowns), so little new product could get to retailers. Shortages of lumber caused a spike in paper costs, too, making print publishing even more expensive. Covid-19 lockdowns caused serious damage to the comic book industry ... but also inspired an innovative solution.
Joe Z believes blockchain technology offers the key to survival for comic books. Digital publishing eliminates material costs, the printing process, distribution costs, damage to the environment, damage to product caused by shipping, reduces Co2 emissions, and allows a direct to consumer model that guarantees near instant delivery of exciting, comic book entertainment!
Joe led a team of expert solidity programmers to develop a proprietary smart contract that mimics many of the attributes that makes collecting and reading physical comics an enjoyable hobby ... transforming digital comics into digital collectibles.
​​​​​​​Token ComicsTM uses blockchain technology to offer digital comic books that have the following unique and collectible features: Complete digital comic books with pages that turn, just like physical comics; Random, collectible grades; Limited mint runs; Limited minting periods; Variant covers; and the ability to store, collect, buy, sell and trade your digital comics with others, just like you can with physical comics!
"I'm glad you're here and invite you to join us in our mission to save the comic book, as we launch Token ComicsTM with our first-ever NFT Collection on the Cardano blockchain!" - Joe Z​​​​​​​
Token Comics Roadmap*
January, 2022
Begin migrating smart contract to Cardano testnet.
March/April, 2022
Deploy smart contract on Cardano mainnet
May/June, 2022
Final mainnet testing and connecting to UI
July, 2022
Release first comic book NFT on the
Cardano blockchain!
*Subject to revision as may be necessary to provide best user experience.
Frequently Asked Questions
What comic books will be published by Token Comics?
"Joe Z" owns the intellectual property rights to many of the titles previously published by Lightning Comics, including BLOODFIRE, PERG, JUDGMENT DAY, DREADWOLF, and others. Token Comics will begin by re-releasing these titles as collectible, digital comics on the Cardano blockchain, before expanding to create all new issues, characters and titles.
Will you ever publish comic books belonging to other publishers or creators?
We would love to, and hope to offer other publisher's comic books as blockchain collectibles in the near future, too.
Would you ever colab with other projects in the crypto space?
We would love to! In fact, we are currently in talks to publish a digital comic book related to another exciting crypto project. We believe collaborative projects can provide greater depth to other projects and helps the entire crypto space.
What is the significance of "collectible grades?"
The value of a collectible, physical comic book is based on its condition. Paper is fragile, and as physical comics are read and handled, it causes wear and tear on the comic. Over time, there are fewer comics in "like new" (near mint) condition.
When our comic book NFTs are minted, they are minted with a random collectible grade that ranges from 6.0 to 10.0 ... and indicates the number of times one can "print" with that token.
"Printing" does not have to do with printing the actual comic book. That would consume a tremendous amount of printer ink and paper, not produce anything of collectible value, and would probably not get used very often. Instead, when you click the "Print" button on our website, you're able to access a random image that you can either print or save to your computer.
Images range from a closeup of a comic book panel, to a highly detailed, full screen size image, appropriate for use as wallpaper on your computer or smart phone. You're granted limited, non-exclusive, non-commercial use rights to produce t-shirts, mugs, a mouse pad, or anything else you'd like to print FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE, ONLY. (Your license does not allow you to produce items to sell or to share your print images with others).
Going back to the grades ... every time you print with your token, the grade of that token will decrease by one (-1). This means:
Grade 10.0 = print 5 times
Grade 9.0 = print 4 times
Grade 8.0 = print 3 times
Grade 7.0 = print 2 times ... and
Grade 6.0 = print 1 time.
Once your token becomes grade 5.0 it can no longer be used to print, but you can still read its digital comic book. That means your token will always have comic book entertainment as its "intrinsic value."
Token Comics' collectible grades are more than just a random number assigned for the purpose of creating rarity. They represent consumable functionality that allows them to "deterioriate" in a manner that is similar to the wear and tear experienced by physical comics as they are handled.
How rare are the collectible grades?
Your chances of receiving a specific collectible grade are as follows:
Grade 10.0 = about 1% of the time ( 1/100)
Grade 9.0 = about 4% of the time ( 4/100)
Grade 8.0 = about 15% of the time (15/100)
Grade 7.0 = about 40% of the time (40/100)
Grade 6.0 = about 40% of the time (40/100)
Are there any other benefits to "printing" with a comic book token?
Yes! You could win an amazing and rare NFT!
Somewhere ... hidden on every print image is a seed phrase clue. These clues consist of a number that indicates its location within the seed phrase, and the letter of that location.
If you are the first person to collect enough clues to correctly guess the seed phrase, you'll be able to restore a Cardano wallet and win an amazing, super rare NFT!
Haven't there already been comic books published on the blockchain?
Nope. Other projects have only published covers, or interior pages that are each sold as separate NFTs. That's not a comic book, that's a cover or an interior page.
A comic book consists of a cover AND all interior pages that make up the entire story contained within that issue. That is what Token Comics uniquely offers ... the ability to buy, sell, read and collect entire, digital flip comic books, in ways that closely reseamble the enjoyment experienced from reading and collecting physical comics.
Does the BLOODFIRE Launch Edition NFT provide access to a digital comic book?
Launch Edition NFTs are unique, digital art collectibles that don't provide access to comic book content. Instead, every NFT created as part of a Launch Edition collection is unique, minted to order, and has random, algorithmically assigned attributes (such as different weapons, costume colors, background colors, heads, accessories and more)! With the Bloodfire Launch Edition, 103,873,536 unique combinations are possible, from which only 10,000 unique NFTs will be minted!
Launch Edition tokens are intended to introduce, or showcase, a hero (or villian) from the Token Comics Universe, create awareness for that character and create awareness for the Token Comics project.
The BLOODFIRE Launch Edition represents both the first Launch Edition collection from Token Comics as well as the first appearance of BLOODFIRE on the Cardano blockchain, and is destined to become an instant collectible that allows you to flex that you helped usher in the "digital age" of comics!
What benefits are there to collecting digital comics versus traditional, print comic books?
Here are a few of the benefits of digital comics over print comics:
1. Environmentally Friendly. By not having to ship a physical product, less Co2 is released into the atmosphere and less waste is produced. By not having to use paper, we're able to reduce the number of trees being harvested to make paper. Having more trees means more Co2 can be removed from the atmosphere which can help reduce global warming.
2. Ability to Both Collect and Read. Collectible physical comics are very delicate, and condition is therefore a very large part of what makes a paper comic valuable. Grading can be subjective. You might call the condition of your comic "near mint" and someone else might call it "very fine" ... and the difference in price between the two grades can be substantial.
Over the years, professional grading services have popped up that grade collectible comics and encase them in a tamper resistant, plastic "slab." Once "slabbed," the grade is indisputable, but the comic can never be read again without the risk of damaging the slab, damaging the comic and needing to resubmit the comic to the grading authority to be re-graded and re-slabbed.
With Token Comics, grades are automatically indisputable. No third party grading serviceis needed. And because and there is no slab, you can always enjoy the intrinsic entertainment value of your comic book, no matter what its collectible grade is.
3. Guaranteed Authenticity. Because paper comics are printed without any anti-counterfeiting technology, it is possible for paper comic books to be counterfeited. Our comic book NFTs have built in anti-counterfeiting technology in the form of a unique "policy number" that can never be duplicated. Make sure you always verify the policy number before making any purchase.
4. Virus Protection. Germs and viruses can live on the surface of physical items, whether paper or plastic, and can potentially spread disease. Germs cannot attach themselves to a digital comic making them a safer alternative.
5. Transparency. When paper comics are printed, the actual quantity printed is relatively unknown and impossible to independently verify. Because of this, you never really know how rare a particluar issue might be. With Token Comics, the total quantity minted of every issue is published on the blockchain, with a further breakdown of the population that exists for each grade of that issue!
6. Safe Storage of Your Comic Book Collection. Many comic book collectors have come home from college or the military only to discover their childhood comic book collection was sold, thrown away, given away, or damaged. That could never happen with your Token Comics comic book collection because it is safely stored on a decentralized network of computers. This means, as long as you have the seed phrase for your Cardano wallet, even if someone were to throw away your computer, you could restore your wallet and access your collection!
7. Theft and Damage Protection - Because your comic book collection is safely stored on the Cardano blockchain, you won't have to worry about your comics being stolen during a burglary or being destroyed in a flood or fire! As long as you keep your password and seed phrase safe, your comic book collection will be protected.
8. International Access. No matter where you are in the world, you're able to access, read and sell your comic books to anyone, no matter where they are in the world (subject to the laws of the jurisdictions in which you and they live).
What risks exist with purchasing NFTs that are part of this project?
Cryptocurrency is considered "high risk," in that, the monetary value of anything you purchase could go to zero. For this reason, we encourage you to only purchase what you like because of the enjoyment it gives you, including the joy of ownership, and encourage you to never spend more than you can afford to lose. :)
There is also a risk that it could be more difficult than we imagine to deploy our TRON compatible solidity smart contract on Cardano. This, would not deter us from bringing this project to Cardano, however, it could delay it. We have already identified a team of programmers with vast NFT experience, across multiple platforms, to help us migrate our fully functional smart contract and expect they will be able to meet or exceed our roadmap goals ... but there is always the risk that we could encounter unexpected challenges and delays.
Why do you want to migrate your smart contract from TRON to Cardano?
Three reasons ...
1) The Environment. Cardano is one of the most energy efficient blockchains in existence. Using less energy for our project means there's more energy for the rest of the world!
2) The Future. Charles Hoskinson is a master computer scientist who has built an absolute masterpiece with Cardano, designed to reduce fees and allow smart contract migration from other blockchains. We believe Cardano represents the future of blockchain!
3) The Community. The Cardano community is fantastic, enthusiastic and supportive. We believe Token Comics is something very special and hope to benefit from, and be a benefit to, the amazing Cardano community!
How can I participate in this NFT drop?
Please join both our Twitter and Discord (links at the top and bottom of this page).
On the day of the drop we will post the address of our distribution wallet in both our Twitter and Discord accounts. Simply send the specified amount of ADA from your Cardano wallet (Daedalus, Yoroi, Nami, etc) for each NFT you wish to purchase, one transaction at a time. Your freshly minted NFTs will be delivered to your wallet within minutes. Watch our Discord during the sale to know when the sale is over to avoid the time required to manually refund ADA sent after our last token has been sold.
Important Note 1: You must NOT send ADA from an exchange (Coinbase, Binance, etc) because our distribution wallet will send your NFT back to their address and there will be no way for you to access it. Every Launch Edition NFT is a unique, irreplaceable collectible. If you don't follow these instructions, there will be nothing we can do to help you and your NFT will be lost forever ... so please, transfer your ADA from an exchange to your Cardano wallet, first, and only then send the specified amount of ADA to our distribution address.
Note 2: Do not try to purchase more than one NFT in the same transaction as your transaction will not be processed. You must instead purchase each NFT one transaction at a time. Do not send LESS than the specified amount of ADA in one transaction and then send the balance ADA in a second transaction to total the specified amount ... that will not work with our distribution wallet. Please be very careful about this. If you send the wrong amount of ADA, we will not be able to refund it to you until after the sale is over.
Will you be offering any giveaways?
Yes! 34 NFTs will be pre-minted to be used for community and contest giveaways. Please help us build our Token Comics Community by joining both our Twitter and Discord accounts, which will also allow you to learn about, and participate in, our exciting NFT giveaways!
How can I sell my Launch Edition NFTs?
You can sell your BLOODFIRE Launch Edition NFTs on any Cardano NFT Marketplace, including, but not limited to, and
Token Comics publishes collectible, digital comic books that you can only read if you hold that issue's NFT in your wallet! We initially built our proprietary smart contract on the TRON blockchain because Ethereum gas fees were too expensive and TRON offered much of the same functionality. Now that smart contracts have come to Cardano we want to move our project over. Your purchase of Token Comics' BLOODFIRE Launch Edition NFTs will help us migrate our fully functional smart contract to Cardano, ushering in the "digital age" of comics!