​​​​​​​BLOODFIRE made national headlines in 1993, due to his timely and controversial HIV related origin. Now, this historically significant superhero is about to make history again, as the first superhero to have a full Token Comics comic book published on the Cardano blockchain! It all begins with these special Launch Edition CNFTs that will help us migrate our collectible, NFT comic book project from TRON to Cardano! ​​​​​​​
A portion of the proceeds from this sale will be donated to AIDSHealth.org!
Meet the Creator of Token Comics ... Joe Z!
Joseph A Zyskowski (a.k.a. "Joe Z") was born in September, 1966. He learned how to read with superhero comics, and declared in the 2nd grade, "One day you'll see my name in comic books!" In 1993, Joe Z pursued that childhood dream, launching Lightning ComicsTM with his brother, Steve, but after six fun filled years, Lightning ceased it's publishing activities.
In 2020, government mandated lockdowns, in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, forced comic book retailers to close their stores ... and many couldn't survive. Distributors weren't paid by many comic shops and they, in turn, couldn't pay publishers! This domino effect spread through the entire supply chain causing little new product to be released. Covid-19 lockdowns caused serious damage to the comic book industry ... but also inspired an innovative solution.
Joe Z believes blockchain technology offers the key to survival for comic books. Digital publishing eliminates material costs, waste caused by shipping damage, reduces distribution costs, tree defoilage, Co2 emissions and allows a direct to consumer distribution model that guarantees instant delivery of exciting, collectible entertainment!
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​"I'm glad you're here and invite you to join us in our mission to save the comic book and the planet, as we launch Token ComicsTM with our first-ever NFT Collection on the Cardano blockchain!" - Joe Z​​​​​​​
Token Comics Roadmap*
January - March 2022
Migrate Token Comics smart contract to Cardano testnet.
Begin releasing collaborative projects with
other projects and creatives!
April, 2022
Deploy smart contract on Cardano mainnet!
Second Launch Edition CNFT announced!
May/June, 2022
Final mainnet testing and UI integration.
July, 2022
Release first comic book NFT on the
Cardano blockchain!
*Subject to revision as may be necessary to provide best user experience.
Frequently Asked Questions
What comic books will be published by Token Comics?
"Joe Z" owns the intellectual property rights to many of the titles previously published by Lightning Comics, including BLOODFIRE, PERG, JUDGMENT DAY, DREADWOLF, and more. Token Comics will begin by re-releasing these titles as collectible, digital comics on the Cardano blockchain, before expanding to create all new issues, characters and titles.
Would you ever collab with other projects in the crypto space?
We would love to! In fact, we are currently in talks to publish a digital comic book related to another exciting CNFT project! We believe collaborative projects can provide greater depth to other projects and would benefit the entire Cardano community!
Do BLOODFIRE Launch Edition CNFTs provide access to a comic book?
Yes! A link to TOKEN COMICS #1 will be included in the metadata of every BLOODFIRE Launch Edition CNFT! In the future, you'll need to own the CNFT for a Token Comics issue in order to read its protected content!
What benefits are there to collecting digital comics compared to traditional, paper comic books?
Here are a few of the benefits of collecting digital comics compared to paper comics:
1. Environmentally Friendly. By not having to ship a physical product, less Co2 is released into the atmosphere and less waste is produced. By not having to use paper, we're able to reduce the number of trees being harvested to make paper. Having more trees means more Co2 can be removed from the atmosphere which can help reduce global warming.
2. Ability to both Collect and Read. Collectible paper comics are very delicate, and condition is a very large part of what makes a paper comic valuable. Grading can be subjective. You might call the condition of your comic "near mint" and someone else might call it "very fine" ... and the difference in price between the two grades can be substantial.
Over the years, professional grading services have popped up that grade collectible comics and encase them in a tamper resistant, plastic "slab." Once "slabbed," the grade is indisputable, but the comic can never be read again without the risk of damaging the slab, damaging the comic and needing to repay to resubmit the comic to the grading authority to be re-graded and re-slabbed.
With Token Comics, grades are automatically indisputable. No third party grading service is needed. And because and there is no slab, you can always enjoy the intrinsic entertainment value of your comic book, no matter what its collectible grade is.
3. Guaranteed Authenticity. Because paper comics are printed without any anti-counterfeiting technology, it is possible for paper comic books to be counterfeited. Our comic book NFTs have built in anti-counterfeiting technology in the form of a unique "policy number" that can never be duplicated. Make sure you always verify the policy number before making any purchase.
4. Virus Protection. Germs and viruses can live on the surface of physical items, whether paper or plastic, and can potentially spread disease. Germs cannot attach themselves to a digital comic making them a safer alternative.
5. Transparency. When paper comics are printed, the actual quantity printed is relatively unknown and impossible to independently verify. Because of this, you never really know how rare a particluar issue might be. With Token Comics, the total quantity minted of every issue is published on the blockchain, with a further breakdown of the population that exists for each grade of that issue!
6. Safe Storage of Your Comic Book Collection. Many comic book collectors have come home from college or the military only to discover their childhood comic book collection was sold, thrown away, given away, or damaged. That could never happen with your Token Comics collection because it is safely stored on the decentralized Cardano network of servers. This means, as long as you have the seed phrase for your Cardano wallet, even if someone were to throw away your computer, you could restore your wallet and access your collection!
7. Theft and Damage Protection - Because your Token Comics collection is safely stored on the Cardano blockchain, you won't have to worry about your comics being stolen during a burglary or being destroyed in a flood or fire! As long as you keep your password and seed phrase safe, your comic book collection will be protected.
8. Worldwide Access. No matter where you are in the world, you'll be able to access, read and sell your comic books to anyone, no matter where they are in the world (subject to the laws of the jurisdictions in which you and they live).
Why do you want to migrate your smart contract from TRON to Cardano?
Three reasons ...
1) The Environment. Cardano is one of the most energy efficient blockchains in existence. Using less energy for our project means there's more energy for the rest of the world!
2) The Future. Charles Hoskinson is a master computer scientist who has built an absolute masterpiece with Cardano, designed to reduce fees, allow smart contract migration from other blockchains, and eventually allow for virtually unlimited scalability. We believe Cardano represents the future of blockchain!
3) The Community. The Cardano community is fantastic, enthusiastic and supportive. We believe Token Comics is something very special and hope to benefit from, and be a benefit to, the amazing Cardano community!
How can I participate in this CNFT drop?
Please join our Twitter and Discord (links at the top and bottom of this page).
On the day of the drop we will post the link to our distribution wallet in both our Twitter and Discord accounts. Simply send the specified amount of ADA from your Cardano wallet (Daedalus, Yoroi, Nami, etc) for each NFT you wish to purchase, one transaction at a time. Your freshly minted NFTs will be delivered to your wallet within minutes. Watch our Discord during the sale to know when the sale is over to avoid the time required to manually refund ADA sent after our last token is sold.
Important Note 1: Do NOT send ADA from an exchange (Coinbase, Binance, etc) because our distribution wallet will send your NFT back to their address, and there will be no way for you to access it! Every Launch Edition NFT is a unique, irreplaceable Cardano collectible. If you don't follow these instructions, there will be nothing we can do to help you and your NFT will be lost forever ... so please, transfer your ADA from an exchange to your Cardano wallet, first, and only then send the specified amount of ADA to our distribution address.
Note 2: Do not try to purchase more than one NFT in the same transaction as your transaction will not be processed. You must instead purchase each NFT one transaction at a time. Do not send LESS than the specified amount of ADA in one transaction and then send the balance ADA in a second transaction to total the specified amount ... that will not work with our distribution wallet. Please be very careful about this. If you send the wrong amount of ADA, we will not be able to refund it to you until after the sale is over.
Will you offer any giveaways?
Yes! Please help us build our Token Comics Community by joining our Twitter and Discord accounts, which will also allow you to learn about, and participate in, our exciting NFT giveaways!
How can I sell my BLOODFIRE CNFTs?
You can sell your BLOODFIRE CNFTs on any Cardano NFT Marketplace, including, but not limited to, https://www.cnft.io/ and https://tokhun.io/ !
Common: 65% (2.6/4) Uncommon: 20% (1/5) Rare: 15% ( 1.5/10) Super Rare: (1/20)
It's a time of great peril for the Chocolateway Galaxy! Civil war has broken out between two factions of Baby Aliens! Emperor Necro intends to mine the entire galaxy of chocolage, no matter the cost or consequence! Lord Hosk, leader of the rebellion, has discovered life on some of the planets! Life that he and his rebellion have sworn to protect! Out numbered and out gunned, Lord Hosk has sent a lone hero to find and recruit the lost tribe of Supers to their cause!
-- Collectible First Issue!
-- Limited Edition Mint Run! Only 4,020 total copies to be sold!
-- Affordible Mint Price! Only 12 ADA ea!
-- Four Collectible Cover Variants!
​​​​​​​-- Blind Box Format -- Send 12 ADA during the drop and you could get any cover version!
-- Drops January 14, 2022 @ 20:00 UTC (8PM UTC / Noon PST)