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Token ComicsTM ... Comic Books on the Cardano Blockchain!

With Token ComicsTM you'll be able to Buy, Sell, Read and CollectTM digital comics just like you can physical comic books!

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Comic book NFTs are minted to order during its limited minting period.

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Authenticity and "quantity minted" is verifiable on the Cardano blockchain.

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Comic NFTs are minted in random, collectible grades, ranging from 6.0 to 10.0.  

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Buy comic book NFTs from our smart contract using

your Cardano wallet.

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Sell NFT back issues to others on Cardano NFT marketplaces!

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Read digital flip comics by holding its related NFT in your Cardano wallet!

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Safely store your comic book collection on the Cardano blockchain!

Written by Joe Z.  Performed by Michael McKyes

Click below to play the Token Comics Theme Song!

The Origin  

Brian Reace, a homophobic Marine, was mortally wounded in combat.  To save his life, Dr. Thorpe, a military "mad scientist," gave the wounded Marine an experimental super soldier serum.  The catch?  Unknown to Reace, in order for the serum to be accepted, his immune system had to first to be eliminated ... which Dr. Thorp accomplished with a mutant strain of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS!  The super soldier serum restored Brian Reace's health and gave him super human strength, stamina and an increased healing ability ... but it also left him HIV positive!   

The BLOODFIRE Launch Edition represents the first Appearance of BLOODFIRE, on the Cardano blockchain!  Every CNFT minted in this collection of 8,888 tokens will be unique with random, algorithmically assigned attributes, including ... 

Collectible Grades (5)     Backgrounds (12)     Bloodfire Logo Colors (8)    Costume Colors (10) 

Faces (22)     Rarities (6)     Hats (4)    Weapons (11)    Token Comics Logo Colors (9)   and   Autographs (4)!  


1)  SIX (6) Ultra Rare, 1/1 CNFTs will be randomly released during the drop!  These are going to be super cool!  (Pun intended!)  

       Please join our Twitter and Discord for sneak peaks and to learn more! 

2)  Token Comics #1 flip-comic book INCLUDED in the Metadata!

3A portion of the proceeds from this sale will be donated to allowing everyone who participates

​​​​​​​     to be a real life superhero!

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Sales Date To Be Announced after we have achieved our

Minimum Community Building Goals:

DISCORD = 500      TWITTER = 2,000


Please join our Twitter​​​​​​​ and Discord TODAY, to stay informed and participate in community building giveaways!

Token Comics' BLOODFIRE Launch Edition NFTs!

​​​​​​​BLOODFIRE made national headlines in 1993, due to his timely and controversial HIV related origin. Now, this historically significant superhero is about to make history again, as the first superhero to have a full Token Comics comic book published on the Cardano blockchain!  It all begins with these special Launch Edition CNFTs that will help us migrate our collectible, NFT comic book project from TRON to Cardano!  â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹

A portion of the proceeds from this sale will be donated to

The BLOODFIRE Launch Edition is a collection of 8,888 unique, randomly generated images, including SIX (6)  Ultra Rare 1 of 1s!

Unique price: ​​​​​​​TBA ₳     Please join our communities on Twitter and Discord to stay informed!

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 Meet the Creator of Token Comics ... Joe Z! 

Joseph A Zyskowski (a.k.a. "Joe Z") was born in September, 1966.  He learned how to read with superhero comics, and declared in the 2nd grade, "One day you'll see my name in comic books!"   In 1993, Joe Z pursued that childhood dream, launching Lightning ComicsTM with his brother, Steve, but after six fun filled years, Lightning ceased it's publishing activities. 

In 2020, government mandated lockdowns, in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, forced comic book retailers to close their stores ... and many couldn't survive.  Distributors weren't paid by many comic shops and they, in turn, couldn't pay publishers!  This domino effect spread through the entire supply chain causing little new product to be released.   Covid-19 lockdowns caused serious damage to the comic book industry ... but also inspired an innovative solution.

Joe Z believes blockchain technology offers the key to survival for comic books.  Digital publishing eliminates material costs, waste caused by shipping damage, reduces distribution costs, tree defoilage, Co2 emissions and allows a direct to consumer distribution model that guarantees instant delivery of exciting, collectible entertainment!

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​"I'm glad you're here and invite you to join us in our mission to save the comic book and the planet, as we launch Token ComicsTM with our first-ever NFT Collection on the Cardano blockchain!"  - Joe Z​​​​​​​


Token Comics Roadmap*

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Q4, 2021

BLOODFIRE Launch Edition NFT Sale


Please join our Discord and Twitter​​​​​​​ TODAY!

January, 2022

Begin migrating smart contract to Cardano testnet.

March/April, 2022

Deploy smart contract on Cardano mainnet!

Second Launch Edition CNFT announced!

May/June, 2022

Final mainnet testing and UI integration.

July, 2022

Release first comic book NFT on the

Cardano blockchain!

*Subject to revision as may be necessary to provide best user experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Token Comics publishes collectible, digital comic books that you can only read if you hold that issue's NFT in your wallet!  While we'll begin by publishing comic books with our own characters, we hope to collab with other CNFT projects to publish exciting entertainment collectibles based on their projects, too!  Your purchase of a BLOODFIRE Launch Edition NFT will help us migrate our project to Cardano and usher in the "digital age" of comics!